I have a lot of QUnit tests like this:
test('some test.', function() {
equal(1, 1, "dummy");
I also have a .html file which contains the test suite:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-store" />
<title>QUnit Test Suite</title>
<link rel="stylesheet"
href="http://code.jquery.com/qunit/qunit-1.16.0.css" type="text/css"
<script data-main="MainTest" src="lib/require.js"></script>
<div id="qunit"></div>
<div id="dialog"></div>
<div id="test-content"></div>
My problem is that when I open this .html file (testsuite.qunit.html) I sometimes don't see any of the results just an empty page. Sometimes I see some results. All the tests are run I can see it on the top:
Tests completed in 64 milliseconds. 161 assertions of 161 passed, 0 failed.
I have checked the html generated by qunit and it seems that QUnit fails to add the pass
css class to some of the tests. This is a visible one:
<li id="qunit-test-output-ca229798" class="pass">
<strong><span class="test-name">decorated web service call test</span>
<b class="counts">(1)</b></strong>
<a href="test.js">Rerun</a><span class="runtime">5082 ms</span>
<ol class="qunit-assert-list qunit-collapsed"></ol></li>
And this is a non-visible one:
<li id="qunit-test-output-ca229798">
<strong><span class="test-name">decorated web service call test</span>
<b class="counts">(1)</b></strong>
<a href="test2.js">Rerun</a><span class="runtime">5082 ms</span>
<ol class="qunit-assert-list qunit-collapsed"></ol></li>
What could be the problem?
Most of the time that I see this it is for one of two reasons:
(1) an error in the source code (which seems unlikely since sometimes the tests pass fine for you), or
(2) some of the source code is asynchronous and thus a race condition might ensue.
If you have any asynchronous code (ajax calls, setTimeout, setInterval, etc), then you need to use the QUnit async control mechanisms:
QUnit.test('a test with async code', function(assert) {
var done = assert.async(); // tell QUnit you plan to do async stuff
callSomeAsyncFunction(function() {
// this is the callback for the async action
// all of your assertions here
done(); // tell QUnit you're done with async actions
I would recommend that you narrow down what tests are causing the problem by commenting out blocks of tests and eventually getting down to a single test that sometimes passes and sometimes stalls.