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Pass path of shortcut file to CustomAction

I have a shortcut definition like this:

<Component Id="PowershellShortcut" Guid="{12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890AB}">
  <Shortcut Id="PowershellStartMenuShortcut"
            Name="Powershell Environment"
            Description="Powershell Environment"
            Arguments="-PSConsoleFile &quot;[#Powershell.Environment]&quot;" />

I want to pass the path to the resultant .lnk file into a CustomAction. I've tried various things, e.g.:

<CustomAction Id="SetCustomActionData_ElevatePowershellShortcut" Return="check"
              Value="<WHAT-GOES-HERE?>" />

Where I've tried the following in place of <WHAT-GOES-HERE?>:

  • [$PowershellShortcut] -- This almost gets me there. I get the folder the .lnk file is in, but not the file itself
  • [$PowershellStartMenuShortcut] -- Empty string
  • [#PowershellStartMenuShortcut] -- Empty string. This works on <File> elements...

An alternative would be to keep using the [$PowershellShortcut] value and also pass in the name of the .lnk file. Which would be the <Shortcut>'s Name attribute. I'm not sure how to get at it, either...

The reason I want to do this is that we've already had a case where the Name of the shortcut was changed, and everything stopped working, so we don't want to have to update the name/path of the shortcut in more than one place.


  • Just after I wrote this question, I came up with a solution. It's not quite what I asked for, but it solved my problem, so I'm posting it. If somebody can figure out how to do what I actually asked for, I will mark their answer as the correct one, although my solution is fairly clean and straight forward.

    I ended up defining the following variable in my WiX define file:

    <?define PowershellShortcutName="Powershell Environment" ?>

    and then I set the <Shortcut Name="$(var.PowershellShortcutName)"> and the CustomAction to:

    <CustomAction Id="SetCustomActionData_ElevatePowershellShortcut" Return="check"
                  Value="[$PowershellShortcut]$(var.PowershellShortcutName).lnk" />

    Everything works like it should now.