I have three classes:
Both Session & Socket depeand on the Client to create both objects.
A Session depeands on a Socket and no sockets are created without a session.
Should the Client have a function that creates a Session pubically and a Socket privately?
Doesn't it violate the law of demeter?
Current code:
class Client
// Connection details
shared_ptr<Socket> createSocket(); // returns a new socket if the connection is opened
class Session
Session(Client &); // Accepts a client and gets a socket for i/o to the server
Now something tells me that the session shouldn't be responsible for getting the socket from the client and that the client should create the session.
Am I right?
It depends. All you are telling us about Client
is that it creates both Session
and Socket
, nothing more.
If Client
needs to use both, then there is no violation. If it only creates Socket
in order to provide it to Session
, I would say this is a violation and Session
should get Socket