catch (Exception ex)
_errorCode = ErrorCodes.SqlGeneralError;
CommonTools.vAddToLog(ex, _errorCode, _userID);
throw new JOVALException(_errorCode);
I use this peace of code to handle error to an custom exception called (JOVALException)
but when an exception is occurred it is open "No source available" page and telled me that is no the stack trace is empty
How could I solve this problem ?
public JOVALException(ErrorCodes _errCode, String _message = "")
ErrMessage = _message;
ErrCode = _errCode;
here is my constructor, How can modify it ?
I'd recommend you to modify JOVALException
class, by adding a constructor:
public class JOVALException: Exception {
// Note Exception "innerException" argument
public JOVALException(ErrorCodes _errCode, Exception innerException, String _message = "")
: base(_message, inner) {
Another issue: try avoid code duplication
ErrMessage = _message;
since ErrMessage
is, in fact, a duplication of Message
propepery; just call a base class constructor.
catch (Exception ex)
_errorCode = ErrorCodes.SqlGeneralError;
CommonTools.vAddToLog(ex, _errorCode, _userID);
throw new JOVALException(_errorCode, ex); // <- Note "ex"