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jmx monitoring for JDG 6.3.2

We have been using Infinispan 5.2 and it has been working fine close to one year now. We use the below URL to monitor infinispan and the cache statistics is displayed in our application for easy monitoring


We are now migrating to JDG 6.3.2 so the JBOSS support can be purchased. After moving to JDG 6.3.2 . The jmx url used for infinispan no longer works.

As per the below link - there is a jconsole within JDG which is supposed to be used but that is also not working

Infinispan Server : How to enable JMX monitoring?

Has anybody faced this issue ?




  • I think you have a couple of options here...

    1. Use JBoss On or RHQ (recommended)
    2. Use
    3. Use attached jconsole ($JDG_HOME/bin/
    4. Use JVisual VM, but please remember to add JBoss client to the classpath (jvisualvm -cp:a $JDG_HOME/bin/client/jboss-client.jar). After that, please use service:jmx:http-remoting-jmx://$JDG_IP:9990 (assuming default configuration).

    Please remember that for JMX connection you will also need to create a user attached to Management Realm ($JDG_HOME/bin/ -u <username> -p <password> -r ManagementRealm -e -s)