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Migrate from MySQL to PostgreSQL on Linux (Kubuntu)

A long time ago on a system far, far away...

Trying to migrate a database from MySQL to PostgreSQL. All the documentation I have read covers, in great detail, how to migrate the structure. I have found very little documentation on migrating the data. The schema has 13 tables (which have been migrated successfully) and 9 GB of data.

MySQL version: 5.1.x
PostgreSQL version: 8.4.x

I want to use the R programming language to analyze the data using SQL select statements; PostgreSQL has PL/R, but MySQL has nothing (as far as I can tell).

A New Hope

Create the database location (/var has insufficient space; also dislike having the PostgreSQL version number everywhere -- upgrading would break scripts!):

  1. sudo mkdir -p /home/postgres/main
  2. sudo cp -Rp /var/lib/postgresql/8.4/main /home/postgres
  3. sudo chown -R postgres.postgres /home/postgres
  4. sudo chmod -R 700 /home/postgres
  5. sudo usermod -d /home/postgres/ postgres

All good to here. Next, restart the server and configure the database using these installation instructions:

  1. sudo apt-get install postgresql pgadmin3
  2. sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.4 stop
  3. sudo vi /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/postgresql.conf
  4. Change data_directory to /home/postgres/main
  5. sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.4 start
  6. sudo -u postgres psql postgres
  7. \password postgres
  8. sudo -u postgres createdb climate
  9. pgadmin3

Use pgadmin3 to configure the database and create a schema.

The episode continues in a remote shell known as bash, with both databases running, and the installation of a set of tools with a rather unusual logo: SQL Fairy.

  1. perl Makefile.PL
  2. sudo make install
  3. sudo apt-get install perl-doc (strangely, it is not called perldoc)
  4. perldoc SQL::Translator::Manual

Extract a PostgreSQL-friendly DDL and all the MySQL data:

  1. sqlt -f DBI --dsn dbi:mysql:climate --db-user user --db-password password -t PostgreSQL > climate-pg-ddl.sql
  2. Edit climate-pg-ddl.sql and convert the identifiers to lowercase, and insert the schema reference (using VIM):
    • :%s/"\([A-Z_]*\)"/\L\1/g
    • :%s/ TABLE / TABLE climate./g
    • :%s/ on / on climate./g
  3. mysqldump --skip-add-locks --complete-insert --no-create-db --no-create-info --quick --result-file="climate-my.sql" --databases climate --skip-comments -u root -p

It might be worthwhile to simply rename the tables and columns in MySQL to lowercase:

  1. select concat( 'RENAME TABLE climate.', TABLE_NAME, ' to climate.', lower(TABLE_NAME), ';' ) from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA='climate';
  2. Execute the commands from the previous step.
  3. There is probably a way to do the same for columns; I changed them manually because it was faster than figuring out how to write the query.

The Database Strikes Back

Recreate the structure in PostgreSQL as follows:

  1. pgadmin3 (switch to it)
  2. Click the Execute arbitrary SQL queries icon
  3. Open climate-pg-ddl.sql
  4. Search for TABLE " replace with TABLE climate." (insert the schema name climate)
  5. Search for on " replace with on climate." (insert the schema name climate)
  6. Press F5 to execute

This results in:

Query returned successfully with no result in 122 ms.

Replies of the Jedi

At this point I am stumped.

  • Where do I go from here (what are the steps) to convert climate-my.sql to climate-pg.sql so that they can be executed against PostgreSQL?
  • How to I make sure the indexes are copied over correctly (to maintain referential integrity; I don't have constraints at the moment to ease the transition)?
  • How do I ensure that adding new rows in PostgreSQL will start enumerating from the index of the last row inserted (and not conflict with an existing primary key from the sequence)?
  • How do you ensure the schema name comes through when transforming the data from MySQL to PostgreSQL inserts?


A fair bit of information was needed to get this far:

Thank you!


  • What I usually do for such migrations is two-fold:

    • Extract the whole database definition from MySQL and adapt it to PostgreSQL syntax.
    • Go over the database definition and transform it to take advantage of functionality in PostgreSQL that doesn't exist in MySQL.

    Then do the conversion, and write a program in whatever language you are most comfortable with that accomplishes the following:

    • Reads the data from the MySQL database.
    • Performs whatever transformation is necessary on the data to be stored in the PostgreSQL database.
    • Saves the now-transformed data in the PostgreSQL database.

    Redesign the tables for PostgreSQL to take advantage of its features.

    If you just do something like use a sed script to convert the SQL dump from one format to the next, all you are doing is putting a MySQL database in a PostgreSQL server. You can do that, and there will still be some benefit from doing so, but if you're going to migrate, migrate fully.

    It will involve a little bit more up-front time spent, but I have yet to come across a situation where it isn't worth it.