For large n
(see below for how to determine what's large enough), it's safe to treat, by the central limit theorem, the distribution of the sample mean as normal (gaussian) but I'd like a procedure that gives a confidence interval for any n
. The way to do that is to use a Student T distribution with n-1
degrees of freedom.
So the question is, given a stream of data points that you collect or encounter one at a time, how do you compute a c
(eg, c=.95
) confidence interval on the mean of the data points (without storing all of the previously encountered data)?
Another way to ask this is: How do you keep track of the first and second moments for a stream of data without storing the whole stream?
BONUS QUESTION: Can you keep track of higher moments without storing the whole stream?
[Huge thanks to John D Cook for much of what I learned in putting together this answer!]
First, here's the reason not to use sum-of-squares:
What you should do instead:
Keep track of the count (n), the mean (u), and a quantity (s) from which sample variance and standard error can be determined. (Adapted from
Initialize n = u = s = 0
For each new datapoint, x
u0 = u;
n ++;
u += (x - u) / n;
s += (x - u0) * (x - u);
The sample variance is then s/(n-1)
, the variance of the sample mean is s/(n-1)/n
, and the standard error of the sample mean is SE = sqrt(s/(n-1)/n)
It remains to compute the Student-t c
-confidence interval (c
in (0,1)):
u [plus or minus] SE*g((1-c)/2, n-1)
where g
is the inverse cdf (aka quantile) of the Student-t distribution with mean 0 and variance 1, taking a probability and the degrees of freedom (one less than the number of data points):
g(p,df) = sign(2*p-1)*sqrt(df)*sqrt(1/irib(1, -abs(2*p-1), df/2, 1/2) - 1)
where irib
is the inverse regularized incomplete beta function:
irib(s0,s1,a,b) = z such that rib(s0,z,a,b) = s1
where rib
is the regularized incomplete beta function:
rib(x0,x1,a,b) = B(x0,x1,a,b) / B(a,b)
where B(a,b)
is the Euler beta function and B(x0,x1,a,b)
is the incomplete beta function:
B(a,b) = Gamma(a)*Gamma(b)/Gamma(a+b) = integral_0^1 t^(a-1)*(1-t)^(b-1) dt
B(x0,x1,a,b) = integral_x0^x1 t^(a-1)*(1-t)^(b-1) dt
Typical numerical/statistics libraries will have implementations of the beta function (or the inverse cdf of the Student-t distribution directly). For C, the de facto standard is the Gnu Scientific Library (GSL). Often a 3-argument version of the beta function is given; the generalization to 4 arguments is as follows:
B(x0,x1,a,b) = B(x1,a,b) - B(x0,a,b)
rib(x0,x1,a,b) = rib(x1,a,b) - rib(x0,a,b)
Finally, here is an implementation in Mathematica:
(* Take current {n,u,s} and new data point; return new {n,u,s}. *)
update[{n_,u_,s_}, x_] := {n+1, u+(x-u)/(n+1), s+(x-u)(x-(u+(x-u)/(n+1)))}
g[p_, df_] := InverseCDF[StudentTDistribution[df], p]
(* Mean CI given n,u,s and confidence level c. *)
mci[n_,u_,s_, c_:.95] := With[{d = Sqrt[s/(n-1)/n]*g[(1-c)/2, n-1]},
{u+d, u-d}]
Compare to
StudentTCI[u, SE, n-1, ConfidenceLevel->c]
or, when the entire list of data points is available,
MeanCI[list, ConfidenceLevel->c]
Finally, if you don't want to load math libraries for things like the beta function, you can hardcode a lookup table for -g((1-c)/2, n-1)
. Here it is for c=.95
and n=2..100
12.706204736174698, 4.302652729749464, 3.182446305283708, 2.7764451051977934, 2.570581835636314, 2.4469118511449666, 2.3646242515927853, 2.306004135204168, 2.262157162798205, 2.2281388519862735, 2.2009851600916384, 2.178812829667226, 2.1603686564627917, 2.1447866879178012, 2.131449545559774, 2.1199052992212533, 2.1098155778333156, 2.100922040241039, 2.093024054408307, 2.0859634472658626, 2.0796138447276835, 2.073873067904019, 2.0686576104190477, 2.0638985616280254, 2.0595385527532963, 2.05552943864287, 2.051830516480281, 2.048407141795243, 2.0452296421327034, 2.042272456301236, 2.039513446396408, 2.0369333434600976, 2.0345152974493392, 2.032244509317719, 2.030107928250338, 2.0280940009804462, 2.0261924630291066, 2.024394163911966, 2.022690920036762, 2.0210753903062715, 2.0195409704413745, 2.018081702818439, 2.016692199227822, 2.0153675744437627, 2.0141033888808457, 2.0128955989194246, 2.011740513729764, 2.0106347576242314, 2.0095752371292335, 2.0085591121007527, 2.007583770315835, 2.0066468050616857, 2.005745995317864, 2.0048792881880577, 2.004044783289136, 2.0032407188478696, 2.002465459291016, 2.001717484145232, 2.000995378088259, 2.0002978220142578, 1.9996235849949402, 1.998971517033376, 1.9983405425207483, 1.997729654317692, 1.9971379083920013, 1.9965644189523084, 1.996008354025304, 1.9954689314298386, 1.994945415107228, 1.9944371117711894, 1.9939433678456229, 1.993463566661884, 1.9929971258898527, 1.9925434951809258, 1.992102154002232, 1.9916726096446793, 1.9912543953883763, 1.9908470688116922, 1.9904502102301198, 1.990063421254452, 1.989686323456895, 1.9893185571365664, 1.9889597801751728, 1.9886096669757192, 1.9882679074772156, 1.9879342062390228, 1.9876082815890748, 1.9872898648311672, 1.9869786995062702, 1.986674540703777, 1.986377154418625, 1.9860863169510985, 1.9858018143458114, 1.9855234418666061, 1.9852510035054973, 1.9849843115224508, 1.9847231860139618, 1.98446745450849, 1.9842169515863888
which is asymptotically approaching the inverse CDF of a normal(0,1) distribution for c=.95
, which is:
-sqrt(2)*InverseErf(-c) = 1.959963984540054235524594430520551527955550...
See for the inverse erf()
Notice that g((1-.95)/2,n-1)
doesn't round to 1.96 until there are at least 474 data points. It rounds to 2.0 when there are 29 data points.
As a rule of thumb, you should use Student-t instead of the normal approximation for n
up to at least 300, not 30 per conventional wisdom. Cf.
See also "Improving Compressed Counting" by Ping Li of Cornell.