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Computing a mean confidence interval without storing all the data points

For large n (see below for how to determine what's large enough), it's safe to treat, by the central limit theorem, the distribution of the sample mean as normal (gaussian) but I'd like a procedure that gives a confidence interval for any n. The way to do that is to use a Student T distribution with n-1 degrees of freedom.

So the question is, given a stream of data points that you collect or encounter one at a time, how do you compute a c (eg, c=.95) confidence interval on the mean of the data points (without storing all of the previously encountered data)?

Another way to ask this is: How do you keep track of the first and second moments for a stream of data without storing the whole stream?

BONUS QUESTION: Can you keep track of higher moments without storing the whole stream?


  • [Huge thanks to John D Cook for much of what I learned in putting together this answer!]

    First, here's the reason not to use sum-of-squares:

    What you should do instead:

    Keep track of the count (n), the mean (u), and a quantity (s) from which sample variance and standard error can be determined. (Adapted from

    Initialize n = u = s = 0.

    For each new datapoint, x:

    u0 = u;
    n ++;
    u += (x - u) / n;
    s += (x - u0) * (x - u);

    The sample variance is then s/(n-1), the variance of the sample mean is s/(n-1)/n, and the standard error of the sample mean is SE = sqrt(s/(n-1)/n).

    It remains to compute the Student-t c-confidence interval (c in (0,1)):

    u [plus or minus] SE*g((1-c)/2, n-1)

    where g is the inverse cdf (aka quantile) of the Student-t distribution with mean 0 and variance 1, taking a probability and the degrees of freedom (one less than the number of data points):

    g(p,df) = sign(2*p-1)*sqrt(df)*sqrt(1/irib(1, -abs(2*p-1), df/2, 1/2) - 1)

    where irib is the inverse regularized incomplete beta function:

    irib(s0,s1,a,b) = z such that rib(s0,z,a,b) = s1

    where rib is the regularized incomplete beta function:

    rib(x0,x1,a,b) = B(x0,x1,a,b) / B(a,b)

    where B(a,b) is the Euler beta function and B(x0,x1,a,b) is the incomplete beta function:

    B(a,b) = Gamma(a)*Gamma(b)/Gamma(a+b) = integral_0^1 t^(a-1)*(1-t)^(b-1) dt
    B(x0,x1,a,b) = integral_x0^x1 t^(a-1)*(1-t)^(b-1) dt

    Typical numerical/statistics libraries will have implementations of the beta function (or the inverse cdf of the Student-t distribution directly). For C, the de facto standard is the Gnu Scientific Library (GSL). Often a 3-argument version of the beta function is given; the generalization to 4 arguments is as follows:

    B(x0,x1,a,b) = B(x1,a,b) - B(x0,a,b)
    rib(x0,x1,a,b) = rib(x1,a,b) - rib(x0,a,b)

    Finally, here is an implementation in Mathematica:

    (* Take current {n,u,s} and new data point; return new {n,u,s}. *)
    update[{n_,u_,s_}, x_] := {n+1, u+(x-u)/(n+1), s+(x-u)(x-(u+(x-u)/(n+1)))}
    g[p_, df_] := InverseCDF[StudentTDistribution[df], p]
    (* Mean CI given n,u,s and confidence level c. *)
    mci[n_,u_,s_, c_:.95] := With[{d = Sqrt[s/(n-1)/n]*g[(1-c)/2, n-1]}, 
      {u+d, u-d}]

    Compare to

    StudentTCI[u, SE, n-1, ConfidenceLevel->c]

    or, when the entire list of data points is available,

    MeanCI[list, ConfidenceLevel->c]

    Finally, if you don't want to load math libraries for things like the beta function, you can hardcode a lookup table for -g((1-c)/2, n-1). Here it is for c=.95 and n=2..100:

    12.706204736174698, 4.302652729749464, 3.182446305283708, 2.7764451051977934, 2.570581835636314, 2.4469118511449666, 2.3646242515927853, 2.306004135204168, 2.262157162798205, 2.2281388519862735, 2.2009851600916384, 2.178812829667226, 2.1603686564627917, 2.1447866879178012, 2.131449545559774, 2.1199052992212533, 2.1098155778333156, 2.100922040241039, 2.093024054408307, 2.0859634472658626, 2.0796138447276835, 2.073873067904019, 2.0686576104190477, 2.0638985616280254, 2.0595385527532963, 2.05552943864287, 2.051830516480281, 2.048407141795243, 2.0452296421327034, 2.042272456301236, 2.039513446396408, 2.0369333434600976, 2.0345152974493392, 2.032244509317719, 2.030107928250338, 2.0280940009804462, 2.0261924630291066, 2.024394163911966, 2.022690920036762, 2.0210753903062715, 2.0195409704413745, 2.018081702818439, 2.016692199227822, 2.0153675744437627, 2.0141033888808457, 2.0128955989194246, 2.011740513729764, 2.0106347576242314, 2.0095752371292335, 2.0085591121007527, 2.007583770315835, 2.0066468050616857, 2.005745995317864, 2.0048792881880577, 2.004044783289136, 2.0032407188478696, 2.002465459291016, 2.001717484145232, 2.000995378088259, 2.0002978220142578, 1.9996235849949402, 1.998971517033376, 1.9983405425207483, 1.997729654317692, 1.9971379083920013, 1.9965644189523084, 1.996008354025304, 1.9954689314298386, 1.994945415107228, 1.9944371117711894, 1.9939433678456229, 1.993463566661884, 1.9929971258898527, 1.9925434951809258, 1.992102154002232, 1.9916726096446793, 1.9912543953883763, 1.9908470688116922, 1.9904502102301198, 1.990063421254452, 1.989686323456895, 1.9893185571365664, 1.9889597801751728, 1.9886096669757192, 1.9882679074772156, 1.9879342062390228, 1.9876082815890748, 1.9872898648311672, 1.9869786995062702, 1.986674540703777, 1.986377154418625, 1.9860863169510985, 1.9858018143458114, 1.9855234418666061, 1.9852510035054973, 1.9849843115224508, 1.9847231860139618, 1.98446745450849, 1.9842169515863888

    which is asymptotically approaching the inverse CDF of a normal(0,1) distribution for c=.95, which is:

    -sqrt(2)*InverseErf(-c) = 1.959963984540054235524594430520551527955550...

    See for the inverse erf() function. Notice that g((1-.95)/2,n-1) doesn't round to 1.96 until there are at least 474 data points. It rounds to 2.0 when there are 29 data points.

    As a rule of thumb, you should use Student-t instead of the normal approximation for n up to at least 300, not 30 per conventional wisdom. Cf.

    See also "Improving Compressed Counting" by Ping Li of Cornell.