EDIT: Now answered, find the updated code below:
I am using R to iterate over a set of phylogenetic trees onto various data sets with different numbers of predictors. As a result, I can not explicitly define my regression function (still working on a proper implementation).
Specifically, I am using the "caper" and "picante" packages and my annotated code is below (unfinished). Would someone please offer advice toward what I'm doing wrong? I just started learning R today but have familiarity with java/python/windows batch etc.
crunchMod <- crunch(names(kap)[2] ~ ., data=contrasts)
My error occurs on the above line of code.
#This function works off the ordering of files on windows
#because I add .treLog.tre to the file name so 1&2 are the
#same tree and 3&4 are the same tree.
Dat.analysis <- function() {
treList <- dir(pattern="*.tre")
caperDS <- read.table("dataSet.txt", header = TRUE)
picanDS <- read.table("dataSet.txt", row.names = 1, header = TRUE)
for (i in 1:length(names(picanDS))) {
varName <- gsub("_|[0-9]|\\.", "", names(picanDS)[i])
names(caperDS)[i+1] <- varName
names(picanDS)[i] <- varName
for (i in 1:1) { #length(treList)
myTrees = read.nexus(treList[i])
for (j in 1:1) { #length(myTrees)
cat(paste("\n\n", treList[i]))
print(multiPhylosignal(picanDS, myTrees[[j]]))
contrasts <- comparative.data(myTrees[[i]], caperDS, Species)
if (caperDS[3] == "MEDF" || caperDS[3] == "MAXF") {
f <- as.formula(parse(paste(names(caperDS)[2],"~"), paste(names(caperDS)[4:ncol(caperDS)], collapse="+")))
crunchMod <- crunch(f, data = contrasts)
f <- as.formula(paste(paste(names(caperDS)[3],"~"), paste(names(caperDS)[4:ncol(caperDS)], collapse="+")))
crunchMod <- crunch(f, data = contrasts)
} else {
f <- as.formula(paste(paste(names(caperDS)[2],"~"), paste(names(caperDS)[4:ncol(caperDS)], collapse="+")))
crunchMod <- crunch(f, data = contrasts)
folders <- c("C:/mywork2/MAX","C:/mywork2/MED")
for (i in 1:length(folders)) {
paths <- list.dirs(path = folders[i], full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
for (j in 1:length(paths)) {
if (!(paths[j] == folders[i])) {
contrasts <- Dat.analysis()
Following the advice of jraab, I currently have my crunchMod variable coded as:
f <- as.formula(paste(paste(names(caperDS)[2],"~"), paste(names(caperDS)[4:ncol(caperDS)], collapse="+")))
crunchMod <- crunch(f, data = contrasts)
And it works beautifully. Thanks a ton, and I'll update my code above even though it's far from complete.