I'm trying to set up the ETrade PHP API...
In the sandbox configuration I set my ETWS_APP_KEY and ETWS_APP_SECRET with the keys ETrade Provided.
What do I set for the OAUTH information shown below? I'm confused.. do I leave these blank or where do I obtain these values?
setConst('OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN', '');
You have the app tokens, now you need an access token for a user. The process is the same as documented on Auth Documentation
Here is one way to get the access token for your sandbox environment.
1) Download the Etrade SDK for PHP: SDK download
2) Execute the PHP Command line script in: ./Samples/test_etOAuth.php . You cant open it in the browser since it uses STDIN for menu responses.
3) type: 1 for "Get Token".
4) Copy the authorize URL to your browser.
5) type: n, for not opening the url in a browser off the commandline (unless you run a local php server on your desktop)
6) Enter the validation code you received in the browser onto the command line when it asks you to: "Please enter verifier code :" .
7) copy "your final authorized token" from the command line. These are the final pieces you are asking for in your question.
Now you can access the account / market information through the API.