I am new to Mac app development. So, I am doing some exercises in Objective-C.
I have a nsmutablearray which contains list of names. I want to display a name list using MVC approach and I want perform some action while pressing name in the list view.
I came across some example and googling most of them choose NSTableView and every example has with add and remove button. I am also chose same approach which has a window controller, array controller and xib file. My xib file contains nstableview and nstablecolumn. How can I add the nsmutablearray to nstableview without using add button action event binding ?
-( void ) addName : ( NSString* ) name
[ list addObject : [ [ Name alloc ] initWith : name ] ]
[ nameListTable reloadData ] ;
You cannot add nsmutablearray to xib. You need a Array controller Interface object which can be added in xib. Then you need to bind array controller's content array with the array created in viewController/windowController class. Then you need to bind the table view content with ArrayController's content.