Looking at this post it seemed pretty straight forward, but I can't get this working.
I build an array of objects like this:
objs = array();
$obj = array(
"prop1" => 'cccc a a a a 32423f sdf',
"prop2" => 'sdlkfjsldkfj',
"prop3" => 'slkfjs93s3jfsl'
$Objs[] = $obj2;
Then I attempt to sort the objects alphabetically on a property:
function cmp($a, $b) {
return strcasecmp($a->prop1, $b->prop1);
usort($fileObjs, "cmp");
But it does not sort them alphabetically not sure where I went wrong. here is a complete example:
$objs = array();
$obj1 = array(
"prop1" => 'aaaa a a a a 32423f sdf',
"prop2" => 'sdlkfjsldkfj',
"prop3" => 'slkfjs93s3jfsl'
$obj2 = array(
"prop1" => 'bbb a a a a 32423f sdf',
"prop2" => 'sdlkfjsldkfj',
"prop3" => 'slkfjs93s3jfsl'
$obj3 = array(
"prop1" => 'cccc a a a a 32423f sdf',
"prop2" => 'sdlkfjsldkfj',
"prop3" => 'slkfjs93s3jfsl'
$objs[] = $obj2;
$objs[] = $obj1;
$objs[] = $obj3;
function cmp($a, $b) {
return strcasecmp($a->prop1, $b->prop1);
usort($objs, "cmp");
And the resulting output:
array(3) {
array(3) {
string(23) "cccc a a a a 32423f sdf"
string(12) "sdlkfjsldkfj"
string(14) "slkfjs93s3jfsl"
array(3) {
string(23) "aaaa a a a a 32423f sdf"
string(12) "sdlkfjsldkfj"
string(14) "slkfjs93s3jfsl"
array(3) {
string(22) "bbb a a a a 32423f sdf"
string(12) "sdlkfjsldkfj"
string(14) "slkfjs93s3jfsl"
It seems your confusing objects and arrays objects. Your cmp function is comparing properties that don't exist in your arrays objects.
if you :
echo "comparing {$a->prop1} vs {$b->prop1}";
in the cmp method you'll notice the prop1's are null.
You can fix your code by referencing the array index like this
function cmp($a, $b) {
return strcasecmp($a['prop1'], $b['prop1']);