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Show error on form submit

I want to show an error using jQuery, there is no error checking yet, but I just want to learn more about jQuery and it seems like I can't get this working.

So, I want to show the error anyway when the submit button is pressed. I tried, to set visibility using jquery to visible onclick and invisible beforehand but it didn't work. It showed for a quick second and then it dissapeared. How can I make it show there until next submit buttonpress?

<form id="quick-register" action="">
    Username: <input type="text" name="quick-username"> <br>
    <span id="quick-user-wrong">Wrong Username (a-z, A-Z, 0-9)</span>

    Password: <input type="password" name="quick-password"> <br>
    <span id="quick-pass-wrong">Wrong Password</span>

    Repeat Password: <input type="password" name="quick-password2"> <br>
    <span id="quick-pass2-wrong">Password doesn't match</span>

    E-mail: <input type="email" name="quick-email"> <br>
    <span id="quick-email-wrong">Invalid E-mail Address</span>

    <button id="quick-submit">Register</button>


$(function () {
    $("#quick-submit").one("click", function () {
        $("#quick-user-wrong").css("visibility", "visible");


  • You can create an event listener that will trigger on form submission, which you can cancel and submit at a later time.

    $( "#quick-register" ).submit(function( e ) {
      //cancel submission
      // .... your error handling/etc ...
        //submit form later

    The problem at the moment is that the form is being submitted. This causes the page to refresh, which is why you only see your javascript work for a brief second.