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Having A Working QSqlRelationalDelegate With QSortFilterProxyModel

I am using QSortFilterProxyModels all the time. However, if a QSqlRelation is setup on the source model, along with a QSqlRelationalDelegate on the view, whenever the view is switched to the proxy model, the QSqlRelationalDelegate disappears, leaving the basic QLineEdit or QSpinBox.

How can I make columns in a view work with both a QSortFilterProxyModel and QSqlRelationalDelegate, giving the expected QCombobox drop down?


  • By default, QSqlRelationalDelegate can't handle proxy models, so you have to subclass it. The below is probably far from perfect, so comments/tweaks are welcome, but has been working well on views that have a mixture of QSqlRelations/straight data, without glitches.

    class ProxyDelegate(QSqlRelationalDelegate):
        def __init__(self):
        def createEditor(self, p, o, i):                                                # parent, option, index
            if i.model().sourceModel().relation(i.column()).isValid():                  # if the column has a QSqlRelation, then make the expected QComboBox
                e = QComboBox(p)
                return e      
                return QStyledItemDelegate(p).createEditor(p, o, i)
        def setEditorData(self, e, i):
            m = i.model()
            sM = m.sourceModel()
            relation = sM.relation(i.column()) 
            if relation.isValid():                                                              
                m = i.model()
                sM = m.sourceModel()
                relation = sM.relation(i.column())
                pModel = QSqlTableModel()                                                # pModel means populate model.  Because I've aimed for generic use, it makes a new QSqlTableModel, even if one already exists elsewhere for that SQL table
                pModel.sort(pModel.fieldIndex(relation.displayColumn()), Qt.AscendingOrder)  # default sorting.  A custom attribute would need adding to each source model class, in order for this line to know the desired sorting order for this QComboBox delegate   
                return QStyledItemDelegate().setEditorData(e, i)
        def setModelData(self, e, m, i):
            m = i.model()                                                                # this could probably be written more elegantly so you don't need to create another SqlModel
            sM = m.sourceModel()
            relation = sM.relation(i.column())
            table = relation.tableName()
            indexColumn = relation.indexColumn()
            indexColumnId = sM.fieldIndex(indexColumn)
            displayColumn = relation.displayColumn() 
            if relation.isValid():            
                pModel = QSqlTableModel()
                displayColumnId = pModel.fieldIndex(displayColumn)
                chosenRowInPModel = pModel.match(pModel.index(0, displayColumnId), Qt.DisplayRole, e.currentText())[0].row()            
                chosenIdInPModel =, indexColumnId)).toString()
                m.setData(i, chosenIdInPModel)
                self.closeEditor.emit(e, QAbstractItemDelegate.NoHint)
                QStyledItemDelegate().setModelData(e, m, i)