I've got a new ES stream that's already got half a million events in it (no snapshots yet... I know, I'm getting there) and a simple client that atm is only appending (even more) events.
NEventStore.OpenStream(int.MinValue, int.MaxValue)
takes a very long time to open the stream initially; after which I store the last revision and from then on only NEventStore.OpenStream(lastRevision, int.MaxValue)
to append again. The problem's only on initial start.
Is there a mechanism within NEventStore
to either simply append without opening, or to determine the head revision without opening the whole stream so I can then open from the last version and append. Of course I could also go direct to the database and query, but that's taking on a dependency I feel I shouldn't need.
You already mentioned a possible solution: Snapshots.
This example opens a stream from the latest snapshot and adds a new snapshot after events are commited.
// Get the latest snapshot
var latestSnapshot = _eventStore.Advanced.GetSnapshot(streamId, int.MaxValue);
// Open the stream from the snapshot if there is one, otherwise open the stream as normal
using (var stream = latestSnapshot == null ?
_eventStore.OpenStream(streamId) :
_eventStore.OpenStream(latestSnapshot, int.MaxValue))
// Add events and commit
stream.Add(new EventMessage());
// Add a new snapshot (with no payload)
new Snapshot(streamId, stream.StreamRevision, string.Empty));
It is probably not necessary to add new snapshots this often. It's just an example to show how snapshots work.