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The view connected with IBOutlet property in UITableViewCell can not change frame

I have a class A , subclass of UITableViewCell, and just linked its IBOutlet property titleLabel to UILabel in the storyboard. but seems I can not change the frame of titleLabel.

- (void)awakeFromNib
    [super awakeFromNib];
    self.titleLabel.frame = CGRectMake(10.f, 20.f, 100.f, 25.f);

and also execute the code in - (void)layoutSubviews , but not working.

Confusingly when tapped the Cell on the app running in device, the position changed, and I create the titleLabel using code, change the frame, then that's all right.

Could anyone help me..


  • Resolved this issue as follow :

    First add constraints for the view, then connect the constraint properties (Leading, Trailing, Top, Bottom ...) with source files, created the @IBOutlet property variables.

    Second modified the value of constrains in the - (void)updateConstraints

    - (void)updateConstraints
        [super updateConstraints];
        self.titleLabelHeight.constant = 100.f;
        self.titleLabelLeading.constant = 20.f;