I have the error :
Can't find .pfb for face 'Times-Roman'
Error: reportlab.graphics.renderPM.RenderPMError: Can't setFont(Times-Roman) missing the T1 files?
I think the Times-Roman fonts is not getting.
Can anyone have a solution for this one.
After the R&D i found the solutions for this... and its work for me...
-> This error is also post in bugs.debian.org, and patch is provide to avoid this error.
-> And another solution is (I prefer this one):
Download this pfbfer.zip, and extract it.
Now put all the files of this pfbfer in...
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/reportlab/fonts/(put the files)
If the fonts folder is not available in reportlab directory then create it and put all the font-files in fonts from the extract folder pfbfer.