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Spring Tool Suite Grails integration test unable to resolve class for Quartz job

I have a Grails 2.3.11 project using the Quartz plugin, with a job defined in grails-app/jobs/mypkg

package mypkg

class DoStuffJob {

    static triggers = {
      simple repeatInterval: 5000l // execute job once in 5 seconds

    def execute() {
        /* do stuff */

To test this job, I created an integration test in test/integration

package mypkg


class DoStuffJobTests {

    def doStuffJob

    void setup() {
        doStuffJob = new DoStuffJob()

    void cleanup() {

    void "DoStuffJob"() {

This test runs correctly and passes, but the Spring Tool Suite IDE has an error "Groovy:unable to resolve class DoStuffJob" in my test's setup() method.

This causes STS to prompt me about errors in the workspace whenever I launch the project, and also causes ugly red X's in Project Explorer.

Why is STS showing this error, and how do I fix it?


  • Add grails-app/jobs as a source folder by right-clicking on it and selecting Build Path | Use as Source Folder.