I'm trying to use CodeIgniter to write up a small program for school which generates a random 'key' every time I click the 'generate' button. Looking to see if there's a way for me to create a function where I can fill up a 14 character array with a random number or letter and then set the array to a variable which I can call upon to display as my generated key.
Any and all help would be much appreciated as I am new to CodeIgniter.
A while back I wrote this function in PHP, it does what it does and gives you some flexibility as well through complexity modifiers, I used a default set of 5 different 'levels' of characters and the length is also variable ofcourse.
I'm just going to chuck it in here and 'try' to explain what is going on as well as I can by comments:
function rsg($length = 10, $complexity = 2) {
//available 'complexity' subsets of characters
$charSubSets = array(
// will be filled with subsets from above $charSubsets
$chars = '';
//concact each subset until complexity is reached onto the $chars variable
for ($i = 0; $i < $complexity; $i++)
$chars .= $charSubSets[$i];
//create array containing a single char per entry from the combined subset in the $chars variable.
$chars = str_split($chars);
//define length of array for mt_rand limit
$charCount = (count($chars) - 1);
//create string to return
$string = '';
//idk why I used a while but it won't really hurt you when the string is less than 100000 chars long ;)
$i = 0;
while ($i < $length) {
$randomNumber = mt_rand(0, $charCount); //generate number within array index range
$string .= $chars[$randomNumber]; //get that character out of the array
$i++; //increment counter
return $string; //return string created from random characters
This is what I currently use and it has satisfied my needs for quite some time now, if anyone reading over this has improvements I'd love to hear them as well!