How, using LINQ can I select an array the last element in which matches the query condition?
For example, this didn't work:
public class Node{
public var nodeVar;
public Node(var arg){ //constructor of node
this.nodeVar = arg;
} //end of class
Node[][] path = new Node[3][]; //a jagged array from which to select the required arrays
path[0] = new Node[]{ new Node("A"), new Node("B"), new Node("C") };
path[1] = new Node[]{ new Node("D"), new Node("E"), new Node("W") };
path[2] = new Node[]{ new Node("G"), new Node("W") };
//trying to initialize a list of Node arrays using LINQ:
List<Node[]> thirdArray = path.Select(o => (o.Last().nodeVar == "W") as List<Node[]> ).ToList()
thirdArray comes out as null, since I am most likely not using Select properly. I am also getting an error:
CS 0039: Cannot convert type 'bool' to System.Collections.Generic.List<Node[]> via a built-in conversion
I would want to select the second and third arrays from the path, and make a list from them (since in both third/second arrays, the last element's variable has a value of W)
You need a Where
var thirdArray = path.Where(o => o.Last().nodeVar=="W" ).ToList();