Search code examples

Get Current URL with query parameters in Backbone Marionette

URL : http://localhost:3000/dashboard?ID=10400&Name=10400

I'm trying to get the query params ID and Name from the URL but I get undefined. I have also tried backbone-queryparams but still it does not work. Any idea how to get the current URL with params in Backbone Marionette

], function ($, Backbone, Marionette, Controller) {
    'use strict';

    return Marionette.AppRouter.extend({

        appRoutes: {
            '': 'dashboard'

        initialize: function(){
            console.log( Backbone.history.fragment ); // getting undefined

        controller: new Controller()



  • I had to do this to get the query params. Not sure if there is any better way.

    messagedashboard: function () {
      var searchParams =; // returns 'ID=10400&Name=10400'
      var getParamsFromSearchParams = $.deparam(searchParams); //changes into object

    For using $.deparam check jquery.bbq library.