I am trying to write some code to check if my circle fits inside a binary mask.
So, I have a circle with a given center and a radius. I also have a binary image and I can plot it and see that the circle fits inside the mask. The plot is attached:
So what I am trying to do is find the best circle that fits in this binary mask. So, what I have so far is as follows:
import numpy as np
# Start with a random radius
radius = 100
# Keep track of the best radius
best_radius = 0
# Mask is the binary mask
x, y = np.ogrid[:mask.shape[0], :mask.shape[1]]
# distance computation
distance = np.sqrt((x-r)**2 + (y-c)**2)
while True:
# check if the distance < radius
m = distance < radius
# if this is true everything in the circle is in the image
if np.all[mask[m] > 0]:
# Update best radius
best_radius = radius
# Increase radius for next try
radius += radius/2
# decrease radius
radius -= radius/2
if radius <= best_radius:
So, the first issue I am having is the break condition. While this works as in it always gets me a circle, which is inside the mask, it is not always optimum. So, running it on the example from above, I get the following best circle:
As you can see, the radius can be increased still. So, I have a feeling that the way I increment and decrement radius is not right.
The other big question is that this is a very hacky way to do this in a brute barbarian like approach. If anyone has more elegant solution to share, I would be very grateful. Perhaps, some numerical optimization routine could be employed here?
.import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
h, w = 600, 700
r, c = 250, 350
def make_mask():
x, y = np.ogrid[:h, :w]
y -= c
x -= r
theta = np.arctan2(y, x)
rad = 200 + 100*(np.sin(theta+np.pi/2)**2)
mask = (x**2 + y**2) < rad**2
return mask
mask = make_mask()
x, y = np.ogrid[:h, :w]
distance_sq = (x-r)**2+(y-c)**2
radius = np.sqrt((distance_sq[~mask]).min())
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.add_patch(patches.Circle((c,r), radius=radius))