I am trying to write the program that will be given a 2d list with coordinates of points on a grid (ex.[[4, 7], [5, 6], [5, 2]]
), and will return all points passed during "walking". We can go diagonal.
def pole(lista):
passed = [] #List with all points passed
before = lista[0] #list with coordinates before
for i in range(1,len(lista)):
first = [list(range(before[0],lista[i][0]))] # Lists that should have all points
second = [list(range(before[1],lista[i][1]))] # passed from point to point
if(len(first) == 1): #If we do not go diagonal, one list will only have one number here,
first = [before[0]*len(second)] # but we need the same number of itmes,
if(len(second) == 1): # so we do not get IndexOutOFRange error in next for
second = [before[1]*len(first)]
for j in range(len(first)):
passed.append([first[j], second[j]])
before = lista[i]
return passed
We are using the example list as an input. [[4, 7], [5, 6], [5, 2]]
The problem is that the output is wrong and I do not know why:
[[4, 7], [5, 6]]
And the output should be:
[[4,7], [5,6], [5,5], [5,4], [5,3], [5,2]]
I think it is a problem of range function
I think easiest way (presuming you've imported scipy) for going backwards is to say-> for i in scipy.linspace(10,8,3)