I need a way to align tick marks on two separate axis, while being able to control the "step" value (value between tick marks), where both axis start at mark 0 and end on a different maximum value.
Why this problem:
Flot, the JS charting package has an option to align tick marks, but when I do, I cannot control the step value. I can however control the step value directly, but then I lose the ability to align tick marks. I can however revert to defining my own max and step values, to get what I need (aligned tick marks while maintaining desired step value), but I need some help. yielding this question (read on for details).
Let a be maximum value on axis A and b, be maximum value on axis B.
In this example, let a = 30, and b = 82. Let's say I want 6 tick marks (not counting the extra tick mark at end of axis). In reality I guessed at 6 after trying out a few.
Once I have a desired number of tick marks, I can do something like this:
End Result
|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------> A
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------> B
0 15 30 45 60 75 90
Summary of "Demands"
step value
for each axis to be one of 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50, 100 (in example was 5 for A, 15 for B)adjusted max value
for each axis (in example was 30 for A, 90 for B)match
for both axis Problems (Question)
How can I do so?
Here's a procedure I came up with. I'm assuming you only want integers.
Here are some example results:
a=30, b=82
gives 4 ticks
0 10 20 30
0 28 56 84
a=8, b=5
gives 6 ticks
0 2 4 6 8 10
0 1 2 3 4 5
Here's the pseudocode:
a = range of A axis
b = range of B axis
tickList[] = {4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12}
// calculate the scores for each number of ticks
for i from 0 to length(tickList)-1
ticks = tickList[i]
// find the number of steps we would use for this number of ticks
Astep = ceiling(a/(ticks-1))
Bstep = ceiling(b/(ticks-1))
// how much we would need to extend the A axis
if (a%Astep != 0)
Aextend[i] = Astep - a%Astep
Aextend[i] = 0
// how much we would need to extend the B axis
if (b%Bstep != 0)
Bextend[i] = Bstep - b%Bstep
Bextend[i] = 0
// the score is the total extending we would need to do
score[i] = Aextend[i] + Bextend[i]
// find the number of ticks that minimizes the score
bestIdx = 0
bestScore = 1000;
for i from 0 to length(tickList);
if (score[i] < bestScore)
bestIdx = i
bestScore = score[i]
bestTick = tickList[bestIdx]
bestAstep = ceiling(a/(bestTick-1))
bestBstep = ceiling(b/(bestTick-1))
A axis goes from 0
by bestAstep
to bestAstep*bestTick
B axis goes from 0
by bestBstep
to bestBstep*bestTick