I'm doing the persistance example at:
It involves creating a method that uses the FileDirectory class like this:
SMFileDatabase class>>backupDirectory
^ (FileDirectory default directoryNamed: self name) assureExistence.
Pharo seems to be unable to find the Class and the closest that comes out in search is FileDirectoryWrapper. Will this do?
NB. I can't figure this out myself since I've never used FileDirectory or FileDirectoryWrapper before so I'm in the dark.
Later edit:
Found another one ReferenceStream. They both seem to have been deprecated. Mentioned here: http://lists.gforge.inria.fr/pipermail/pharo-project/2012-June/065765.html
Because they apparently had problems, mentioned here: Smalltalk ReferenceStream has problems with new instance variables?
Later edit 2:
It seems the answers below will work for FileDirectory, and ReferenceStream can be replaced by Fuel in newer Pharo releases. https://stackoverflow.com/a/15742159/293856
SmartRefStrem seems another solution to the bugs. All this is untested by me. Smalltalk ReferenceStream has problems with new instance variables?
Those wanting to finish the example in the book need to go back in time and get a Pharo 1.4 from: https://gforge.inria.fr/frs/?group_id=1299
Scroll down and look for One-Click Pharo 1.4 and get the latest build, if there is a newer one than: https://gforge.inria.fr/frs/download.php/file/31359/Pharo-1.4-14457-OneClick.zip
or 1.3.
I got lucky with a Pharo VM from here: http://files.pharo.org/vm/pharo/20/mac/stable.zip
With a prebuilt Seaside image running on Pharo 1.3 here: http://www.seaside.st/distributions/Seaside-3.0.7-final.zip
Get your code out of the current image via Monticello and then "back" into the older image. Success!
The simplest way to do it is like this:
self name asFileReference ensureCreateDirectory.