Search code examples

Parse PFQuery doesNotMatchKey: inQuery:

I am trying to fetch all Box objects from my Parse database. While doing this, I want to filter out the ones I have pinned to be deleted. I did this by pinning them:

[object pinWithName:@"DeleteObjectPin"];

I simply create another query which gets all objects pinned to be deleted and then make my main query not include those results.

PFQuery *mainQuery = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"Box"];

PFQuery *subQuery = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"Box"];
[subQuery fromPinWithName:@"DeleteObjectPin"];

[mainQuery whereKey:@"objectId" doesNotMatchKey:@"objectId" inQuery:subQuery];

Make sense? Get objects which don't match objects in this sub query, meaning the ones that I pinned to delete.

So why is it that when I add this whereKey constraints to my main query, do I get zero results? Note, for example, I have 5 objects without this pin name and 2 with it. Regardless of what the ratio is, I get no results.

Can I expect a query like this to work?


  • Why not start your object with a default value every time you create it, and change it like you do.

    Once you want to fetch all the objects without @"DeleteObjectPin" you just:

    PFQuery *objectQuery = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"Box"]; [objectQuery whereKey: equalTo:];

    // then fetch all the objects with block or something