I want to add an adunit to the TopAppBar of the page.
<AppBar IsOpen="True">
Height="50" IsAutoCollapseEnabled="True"
This compiles and runs without error but after adding this to my code, the Frame.Navigate to this page is returning a false value. How to correct it so that Navigation is successful? If this is not the right way then how can I make my ad stay on the top of the page always even on scrolling.
Windows Phone doesn't support a top AppBar. If you want to show your add at the top of the page then put it in a row of a Grid at the top of the page. Put the page content you want to scroll in a second row underneath it. Something like:
<RowDefinition Height="50"/>
<RowDefinition Height="*" />
<UI:AdControl Grid.Row="0" />
<GridView Grid.Row="1" /> <!-- or whatever else you want for the page content -->