I given my application target as 21. So I can use the Material Design API's. But when I run the same on older devices whether I have to define different layout or theme or how it could me.
And also I have read the official document Maintaining Compatibility. But still I was not clear to use the material theme on android devices less than 5 os.
And also where can I find the Android 5 related XML tags. And how the same tags applied when running on devices less than 5.
Please help me on this. Thanks in advance.
There are few library's to achieve the Material Design applicable to an earlier platforms less than API-21. An example of such library is this one: https://android-arsenal.com/details/1/1156. You can look on Android Arsenal for more library's like this.
Also this blog-post from Chris Banes is about Material Design on older platforms, I recommend that you read it: https://chris.banes.me/2014/10/17/appcompat-v21/. I hope it will be helpful for reduce design complexity.