I have a custom component that extends HtmlInputText + custom renderer to write Twitter Bootstrap html markup. for example:
<bf:inputText id="a" label="L1" value="#{dummyMB.str}" formLayout="horizontal" labelSize="2" inputSize="6"/>
it renders:
<div id="form:a-componente" class="form-group ">
<label for="form:a" class=" control-label col-md-2">L1</label>
<div class="col-md-3 ">
<input id="form:a" type="text" name="form:a" class="form-control form_a" dir="ltr">
Everithing works fine until I need to update this specific component via ajax render attribute. The component loses the html markup.
After ajax:
<div id="form:a-componente" class="form-group ">
<label for="form:a" class=" control-label col-md-2">L1</label>
<div class="col-md-6 ">
<input id="form:a" class="form-group " dir="">
If I try to ajax update the whole form. It works. If I nest it inside a h:panelGroup it works.
It doesn't work only when I try to update specifically my component with it's id inside the render attribute.
This is the override for getStyleClass() on my custom component:
public String getStyleClass() {
String styleClass = super.getStyleClass();
if(StringUtils.isEmpty(styleClass)) {
styleClass = "";
if(!styleClass.contains(BFConstantes.DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS)) {
styleClass += BFConstantes.DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS;
if(!styleClass.contains(FaceletsFunctions.styleClassId(this))) {
// O JSF usa o caracter ":" para identificar o componente
// O jQuery usa o caracter ":" como reservado
// Para evitar o conflito, eu substituo os ":" do id do componente por "_" e adiciono como classe CSS
// Assim o jQuery o código referenciar os componentes JSF individualmente.
styleClass += FaceletsFunctions.styleClassId(this);
return super.getStyleClass();
After a lot of research, I found out that this is not a JAVA, JSF or AJAX problem.
It's a JQuery issue.
I was able to solve it based on question: