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How to implement tail calls in a custom VM

How can I implement tail calls in a custom virtual machine?

I know that I need to pop off the original function's local stack, then it's arguments, then push on the new arguments. But, if I pop off the function's local stack, how am I supposed to push on the new arguments? They've just been popped off the stack.


  • I take it for granted that we're discussing a traditional "stack-based" virtual machine here.

    You pop off the current function's local stack preserving the still-relevant parts in non-stack "registers" (where the "relevant parts" are, clearly, the argument for the forthcoming recursive tail call), then (once all of the function's local stack and arguments are cleaned up) you push the arguments for the recursive call. E.g., suppose the function you're optimizing is something like:

    def aux(n, tot):
      if n <= 1: return tot
      return aux(n-1, tot * n)

    which without optimization might produce byte-code symbolically like:

    AUX:   LOAD_VAR   N
           LOAD_CONST 1
           JUMPIF_GT  LAB
           LOAD_VAR   TOT
    LAB:   LOAD_VAR   N
           LOAD_CONST 1
           LOAD_VAR   TOT
           LOAD_VAR   N
           CALL_FUN2  AUX

    the CALL_FUN2 means "call a function with two arguments". With the optimization, it could become sometime like:

       POP_KEEP     2
       POP_DISCARD  2
       PUSH_KEPT    2
       JUMP         AUX

    Of course I'm making up my symbolic bytecodes as I go along, but I hope the intent is clear: POP_DISCARD n is the normal pop that just discards the top n entries from the stack, but POP_KEEP n is a variant that keeps them "somewhere" (e.g. in an auxiliary stack not directly accessible to the application but only to the VM's own machinery -- storage with such a character is sometimes called "a register" when discussing VM implementation) and a matching PUSH_KEPT n which empties the "registers" back into the VM's normal stack.