I am trying to pass a large amount of information to my fragment shader but I always reach a limit (too many textures binded, texture too large, etc., array too large, etc.). I use a ThreeJS custom shader.
I have a 256*256*256 rgba volume that I want to pass to my shader.
In my shader, I want to map the fragments's world position to a voxel in this 256*256*256 volume.
Is there a good strategy to deal with this amount of information? Which would be the best pratice? Is there any good workaround?
My current approach is to generate 4 different 2048x2048 rgba texture containing all the data I need.
To create each 2048x2048 texture, I just push every row of every slice sequencially to a big array and split this array in 2048x2048x4 chuncks, which are my textures:
var _imageRGBA = new Uint8Array(_dims[2] *_dims[1] * _dims[0] * 4);
for (_k = 0; _k < _dims[2]; _k++) {
for (_j = 0; _j < _dims[1]; _j++) {
for (_i = 0; _i < _dims[0]; _i++) {
_imageRGBA[4*_i + 4*_dims[0]*_j + 4*_dims[1]*_dims[0]*_k] = _imageRGBA[4*_i + 1 + 4*_dims[0]*_j + 4*_dims[1]*_dims[0]*_k] = _imageRGBA[4*_i + 2 + 4*_dims[0]*_j + 4*_dims[1]*_dims[0]*_k] = _imageN[_k][_j][_i];//255 * i / (_dims[2] *_dims[1] * _dims[0]);
_imageRGBA[4*_i + 3 + 4*_dims[0]*_j + 4*_dims[1]*_dims[0]*_k] = 255;
Each texture looks something like that:
On the shader side, I try to map a fragment's worldposition to an actual color from the texture:
Vertex shader:
uniform mat4 rastoijk;
varying vec4 vPos;
varying vec2 vUv;
void main() {
vPos = modelMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0 );
vUv = uv;
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0 );
Fragment shader:
<script id="fragShader" type="shader">
vec4 getIJKValue( sampler2D tex0, sampler2D tex1, sampler2D tex2, sampler2D tex3, vec3 ijkCoordinates, vec3 ijkDimensions) {
// IJK coord to texture
float textureSize = 2048.0;
float index = ijkCoordinates[0] + ijkCoordinates[1]*ijkDimensions[0] + ijkCoordinates[2]*ijkDimensions[0]*ijkDimensions[1];
// map index to right 2048 x 2048 slice
float sliceIndex = floor(index / (textureSize*textureSize));
float inTextureIndex = mod(index, textureSize*textureSize);
// get row in the texture
float rowIndex = floor(inTextureIndex/textureSize);
float colIndex = mod(inTextureIndex, textureSize);
// map indices to u/v
float u = colIndex/textureSize;
float v =1.0 - rowIndex/textureSize;
vec2 uv = vec2(u,v);
vec4 ijkValue = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0);
if(sliceIndex == float(0)){
ijkValue = texture2D(tex0, uv);
else if(sliceIndex == float(1)){
ijkValue = texture2D(tex1, uv);
else if(sliceIndex == float(2)){
ijkValue = texture2D(tex2, uv);
else if(sliceIndex == float(3)){
ijkValue = texture2D(tex3, uv);
return ijkValue;
uniform mat4 rastoijk;
uniform sampler2D ijk00;
uniform sampler2D ijk01;
uniform sampler2D ijk02;
uniform sampler2D ijk03;
uniform vec3 ijkDimensions;
varying vec4 vPos;
varying vec2 vUv;
void main(void) {
// get IJK coordinates of current element
vec4 ijkPos = rastoijk * vPos;
// show whole texture in the back...
vec3 color = texture2D(ijk00, vUv).rgb;
//convert IJK coordinates to texture coordinates
if(int(floor(ijkPos[0])) > 0
&& int(floor(ijkPos[1])) > 0
&& int(floor(ijkPos[2])) > 0
&& int(floor(ijkPos[0])) < int(ijkDimensions[0])
&& int(floor(ijkPos[1])) < int(ijkDimensions[1])
&& int(floor(ijkPos[2])) < int(ijkDimensions[2])){
// try to map IJK to value...
vec3 ijkCoordinates = vec3(floor(ijkPos[0]), floor(ijkPos[1]), floor(ijkPos[2]));
vec4 ijkValue = getIJKValue(ijk00, ijk01, ijk02, ijk03, ijkCoordinates, ijkDimensions);
color = ijkValue.rgb;
gl_FragColor = vec4(color, 1.0);
// or discard if not in IJK bounding box...
That doesn't work well. I now get an image with weird artifacts (nyquist shannon effect?). As I zoom in, the image appears. (even though not perfect, some black dots)
Any help advices would be greatly appreciated. I also plan to do some raycasting for volume rendering using this approach (very needed in the medical field)
The approach to handle large arrays using multiple textures was fine.
The issue was how I was generating the texture with THREE.js.
The texture was generated using the default linear interpolation: http://threejs.org/docs/#Reference/Textures/DataTexture
What I needed was nearest neighboor interpolation. This was, the texture is still pixelated and we can access the real IJK value (not an interpolated value) Found it there: http://www.html5gamedevs.com/topic/8109-threejs-custom-shader-creates-weird-artifacts-space-between-faces/
texture = new THREE.DataTexture( textureData, tSize, tSize, THREE.RGBAFormat, THREE.UnsignedByteType, THREE.UVMapping,
THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping, THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping, THREE.NearestFilter, THREE.NearestFilter );