Calling bash command
cmd = '/usr/bin/mediainfo "/var/avalon/dropbox/Лекции_для_молодых_ученых/Nabiullin_SciERes_1.flv" --Output=XML'
out = `#{cmd}`
In rails project 'avalom media system'
return error code 1.
Removal of russian letters out of the path cmd = '/usr/bin/mediainfo "/var/avalon/dropbox/Nabiullin_SciERes_1.flv" --Output=XML'
, a call to another command
cmd = 'head "/var/avalon/dropbox/Лекции_для_молодых_ученых/Nabiullin_SciERes_1.flv"'
or run the command in irb or project environment or bash
- everything is fine.
Error when i try add media file to collection with russian letters in file:543 => in gem media info file:473
Console encoding - utf-8. Command string encoding - utf-8.
The cause of this problem is that ENV["LANG"]
of avalon is C
Set ENV["LANG"] to en_US.utf-8
resolve this trouble.