I'm new in PythonGit and I have problem with pulling and pushing. I created locally bare repo and pushed to it an initial commit. After that I tried to init new user repo using PythonGit, fetch it and pull from it. I have no problem with initialize the repo however I can't get anything from remote/bare repo. My code:
import git
repo = git.Repo.init('.')
origin = repo.create_remote('origin', '/home/paweber/git/my-repo.git')
repo.create_head('master', origin.refs.master).set_tracking_branch(origin.refs.master)
In ipython console for fetch and pull I get:
In [5]: origin.fetch()
Out[5]: [<git.remote.FetchInfo at 0x7f4a4d6ee630>]
for fetch and
In [6]: origin.pull()
Out[6]: [<git.remote.FetchInfo at 0x7f4a4d6e6ee8>]
for pull. After pull action, nothing is pulled at all and repo is still empty but exists. What I'm doing wrong?
doesn't do anything as master
is already at its destination commit, the one pointed to by origin/master
This code will work as expected:
import git
repo = git.Repo.init('.')
origin = repo.create_remote('origin', '/home/paweber/git/my-repo.git')
# the HEAD ref usually points to master, which is 'yet to be born'