In my rails application i a have a job model
belongs_to :company
belongs_to :organization
and i want to drop-down a name list of all company name and organization name in the same field so I'm wondering if this is possible actually I was just using company name before i have added the organization, I have this code in my job form
<%= f.text_field :company_name, data: {autocomplete_source: Company.order(:name).map(&:name) },required: true %>
and this in my job model
def company_name
def company_name=(name) = Company.where(name: name).first_or_create
I don't really understand the difference between Company and Organization. I'm assuming Company and Organization have no relation to each other. So you can just union the two sets.
<% companies_and_organizations = (Company.all.pluck(:name) + Organization.all.pluck(:name)).sort %>
<%= f.text_field :company_name, data: {autocomplete_source: companies_and_organizations}, required: true %>
Then I assume you only assign one or the other field. In this case creating a Company if the selected name does not match an existing Company or Organization:
def company_name
(company || organization).try(:name)
def company_name=(name)
company_or_organization = Organization.where(name: name).first
company_or_organization ||= Company.where(name: name).first_or_create = company_or_organization