is there a way to change the shortcut to invoke auto completion in the squeak vm (standard is tab
Thanks in advance
(I assume you use OCompletion or ECompletion)
The only way to change this currently is to change the code.
OController>>handleKeystrokeBefore: kbEvent editor: theEditor
"I return a boolean. true when I have handled the event and no futher processing is needed by the caller."
| keyValue ctrl cmd down tab colon alphanum del esc enter up |
self editor: theEditor.
self setModel: theEditor model.
keyValue := kbEvent keyValue.
ctrl := kbEvent controlKeyPressed.
cmd := kbEvent commandKeyPressed.
down := keyValue = 31.
up := keyValue = 30.
tab := kbEvent keyCharacter = Character tab. "<-- change this to your desired key"
enter := kbEvent keyCharacter = Character cr.
colon := kbEvent keyCharacter = $:.
alphanum := kbEvent keyCharacter isAlphaNumeric.
Or, when you only use ECompletion
ECController>>handleKeystrokeBefore: aKeyboardEvent editor: anEditor
"I return a boolean. true when I have handled the event and no futher processing is needed by the caller."
| theEditor keyValue controlKeyPressed isSpaceKey |
self editor: anEditor.
theEditor := self editor.
self setModel: theEditor model.
keyValue := aKeyboardEvent keyValue.
controlKeyPressed := aKeyboardEvent controlKeyPressed.
isSpaceKey := #(0 32 ) includes: keyValue.
"Ctrl-Space or Tab for open"
self isMenuOpen
ifFalse: [(isSpaceKey & controlKeyPressed
or: [keyValue = 9 " <-- change this to your desired key"
and: [theEditor isCaretBehindChar
and: [controlKeyPressed not]]])