We want to trim the leading and trailing space for resource
column in postgres 9.3 and it seems to be a simple job. Here is the SQL:
update tablename set resource=trim(resource);
The query is executed in postgres admin tool SQL screen successfully. However the space was not trimmed. Then we executed the SQL by specifying the id:
update tablename set resource=trim(resource) where id=723;
It returned:
Query returned successfully: one row affected, 12 ms execution time.
However the result is the same and there is no update. The same SQL is executed in terminal window and nothing happens.
Why trim
did not work here?
Presumably, the character you see is not an actual space. You can see the ASCII code for it by using:
select ascii(left(resource, 1))
from tablename
where id = 723;
If you just want to get rid of the first character, you can do:
update tablename
set resource = substring(resource from 2)
where id = 723;