Is is possible to capture the layout change in Awesome 3.5 like this for the tags ( for example):
screen[s]:connect_signal("tag::history::update", function()
--do some stuff when virtual desktop has changed
If so how do you do it?
When the layout
of a tag is changed, awful.layout.set
just calls awful.tag.setproperty
to set the "layout" property of the tag. This will then emit the "property::layout" signal on the tag.
Here is how to connect to this signal for any tag (only works in awesome 3.5, not 3.4):
tag.connect_signal("property::layout", function(t)
print("Layout of tag " .. .. " is now function " .. awful.tag.getproperty(t, "layout"))
For a specific tag object t
, you can also use the following code. This will only run when the layout of just that tag changes.
t:connect_signal("property::layout", function() print("Layout changed") end)