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display text best_in_place gem

I'm using the best_in_place gem for in place editing. I have this around a link that I want editable, but what's displayed to the user should be "Edit Link".I want to be able to edit the link when this field is clicked on, but I want what's displayed to the user (the anchor text) to be "edit link". I tried using "display_with" and "value" but neither has worked.

It's currently displaying the value of the database field which is the URL:

<%= best_in_place c, :google_maps_url, value: "Edit Link" %>

Is there a way to do this? Thank you in advance for your help!


  • display_with requires a helper or proc, so try giving it one:

    <%= best_in_place c, :google_maps_url, display_with: {"Edit Link"} %>