Search code examples

Sanitize and Highlight Text with HTML at the same time

My web site offers a possibility to store user data and to search for it again. When searching, all data is being printed that contains the query. I want the matching substrings to be highlighted.

In simplified terms I did it like this:

function highlight_and_sanitize_search_result($data, $query){
   $highlighted = str_replace(
                       '<span class="highlight">' . $query . '</span>',
   return sanitize($highlighted);

When I print the return value of the function, my HTML code is not sanitized. But when I sanitize it, my <span> will falsely be sanitized, too:

 Query:  match
  Data:  Here is the match
Output:  Here is the &lt;span class=&quot;match&quot;&gt;match&lt;span&gt;

So I thought I might put it the other way around:

function sanitize_and_highlight_search_result($data, $query){
   $sanitized = sanitize($highlighted);
   return str_replace(
               '<span class="highlight">' . $query . '</span>',

But this also leads to an error if you search for a query which is part of the sanitized HTML code:

 Query:  &am
  Data:  You & me
Output:  You <span class="highlight">&am</span>p; me

So what is the right way to do both - sanitation and highlighting?


  • Sanitize both your data AND the query. Then the sanitized query will still be found in the sanitized HTML data.

    function sanitize_and_highlight_search_result($data, $query){
       $sanitized = sanitize($data);
       $query = sanitize($query);
       return str_replace(
                   '<span class="highlight">' . $query . '</span>',
