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CSS displaying differently on a live website than it did on Codecademy

I am experiencing a problem where I coded a website in Codecademys development tool. Once I finished I tried to upload it to my webhotel to see how it looked like in a live environment, but there seems to be some problems with the CSS stylesheet, as the elements are distorted.

Link to codebit:

Live Website:

The code was copied and pasted from codecademy into the development tool at and saved as UTF-8 for index.html and us-ascii for style.css

Any ideas why this is happening?


  • You're missing a pixel value on line 54 of your css file - that seems to resolve it.

    .imagelist p {
       padding-left: 80px;
       position: relative;
       top: -60px;

    Also, within your html file (line 46) you have

    <div class="Contact">

    which should read :

    <div class="contact">

    CSS classes are case sensitive - there are a few errors similar to this throughout your html file, run it through a validator to catch errors or just go through it.