check1<-rimpala.query("select * from sum2")
Error in .jcall("RJavaTools", "Ljava/lang/Object;", "invokeMethod", cl, :
java.sql.SQLException: Method not supported
dim(sum2) is 49501 rows and 18 columns.
check1<-rimpala.query("select *from sum3")
dim(sum3) is 102 rows and 6 columns.
It worked with smaller sample size.
sorry that I cant reproduce example to this. Is anyone encounter the same problem with larger data size? Any idea to solve this? Thanks.
As noted elsewhere on StackOverflow, RImpala does not implement executeUpdate
and so cannot run any query that modifies state. I suspect you hit your error not by running a larger SELECT query but rather because you tried to insert, update, or delete some data.
If you'd like to use Impala from R, I'd recommend using dplyrimpaladb.