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python element tree iterparse filter nodes and children

I am trying to use elementTree's iterparse function to filter nodes based on the text and write them to a new file. I am using iterparse becuase the input file is large (100+ MB)


        <page id="1">
        <title>movie title 1</title>
        <text>this is a moviein theatres/text>
        <page id="2">
        <title>movie title 2</title>
        <text>this is a horror film</text>
        <page id="3">
        <text>actor in film</text>
        <page id="4">
        <title>some other topic</title>
        <text>nothing related</text>

Expected output (all pages where the text has "movie" or "film" in them)

        <page id="1">
        <title>movie title 1</title>
        <text>this is a movie<n theatres/text>
        <page id="2">
        <title>movie title 2</title>
        <text>this is a horror film</text>
        <page id="3">
        <text>actor in film</text>

Current code

import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree
from xml.etree.cElementTree import dump


for event, elem in iter(etree.iterparse("/tmp/test.xml", events=('start','end'))):
    if event == "end" and elem.tag == "page": #need to add condition to search for strings

How do I add the regular expression to filter based on page's text attribute?


  • You're looking for a child, not an attribute, so it's simplest to analyze the title as it "passes by" in the iteration and remember the result until you get the end of the resulting page:

    import re
    good_page = False
    for event, elem in iter(etree.iterparse("/tmp/test.xml", events=('start','end'))):
        if event == 'end':
            if elem.tag = 'title':
                good_page ='film|movie', elem.text)
            elif elem.tag == 'page':
                if good_page:
                good_page = False

    The will return None if not found, and the if treats that as false, so we're avoiding the writing of pages without a title as well as ones whose title's text does not match your desired RE.