On the dashboard, Tumblr posts appear in the order in which they were created (regardless of the date attached to them). But on the front-end (e.g. at mysite.tumblr.com), I'm seeing inconsistent order for posts with the same post date and time.
On a test Tumblr, I created the following posts in this order (post IDs in parens):
On my dashboard, they appear in proper reverse-chronological order of creation (assuming the IDs are sequential), D->C->B->A, but when I view my theme, they're in the order D->C->A->B.
So it seems that yesterday's posts are in reverse order of creation/ID, but today's posts are in the natural order of creation/ID. What would explain this inconsistency?
Note: I'm not interested in changing the order (I know I can just change the post date/time to do that). I'm interested in understanding the criteria Tumblr uses to order posts when they have the same date and time, which I cannot find documented.
Update: Here is an actual Tumblr I've created which displays this behavior: http://postordertest.tumblr.com/
Unfortunately, I believe the answer to my own question is "no particular order".
I created another test Tumblr, this time with three posts per identical datetime. For August 15 7am, the posts are displayed in 3rd-1st-2nd order of ID. But for August 14 7am, posts appear in 1st-3rd-2nd order of ID. No apparent pattern or consistency.
Then, I created two more posts dated August 15 7am. After publishing post G, Tumblr displayed the posts in 4th-3rd-1st-2nd order of ID. Again, no apparent order, other than the fact that the newest post appeared first. But here's where things got strange. After publishing a final Post H (same date/time), the entire order of posts for that datetime changed: from 4th-3rd-1st-2nd to 1st-5th-2nd-3rd-4th.
At this point, I can only conclude that Tumblr displays posts on blogs with the same date/time in no particular (or even consistently arbitrary) order.