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angular bootstrap typeahead filter

Here's a plunker showing the problem I'm seeing:

I want a typeahead where the user can only select from provided options. I have the following HTML:

<script src="//"></script>
<link rel = "stylesheet" href = "">

<input type = "text" ng-model = "receiver.value" class = "give-recipient" 
 typeahead = "user for user in users" typeahead-editable = "false">

It displays a typeahead, but it does not filter on what I type. IOW, I expect that if I type a "g", only users with "g" in their names should show up, but all users show up, with matching letters bolded.

What are the settings I need to use? Thank you, Greg


  • You need to change

    typeahead="user for user in users"


    typeahead="user for user in users | filter:$viewValue "

    The UI Bootstrap documentation states that $viewValue is a

    variable that corresponds to the value entered inside the input

    A working plunkr can be seen here