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Order of hoisting in JavaScript

function g () {
    var x;
    function y () {};
    var z;

I would like to know exactly what order the above code becomes when hoisted.

Theory 1: Order between vars and functions remains as-is:

function g () {
    var x;
    function y () {};
    var z;

Theory 2: vars come before functions:

function g () {
    var x;
    var z;
    function y () {};

Theory 3: functions come before vars:

function g () {
    function y () {};
    var x;
    var z;

Which theory is correct?


  • Functions are hoisted first, then variable declarations, per ECMAScript 5, section 10.5 which specifies how hoisting happens:

    We first have step 5 handling function declarations:

    For each FunctionDeclaration f in code, in source text order do...

    Then step 8 handles var declarations:

    For each VariableDeclaration and VariableDeclarationNoIn d in code, in source text order do...

    So, functions are given higher priority than var statements, since the later var statements cannot overwrite a previously-handled function declaration. (Substep 8c enforces the condition "If varAlreadyDeclared is false, then [continue...]" so extant variable bindings are not overwritten.)

    You can also see this experimentally:

    function f(){}
    var f;
    var g;
    function g(){}

    Both log calls show the function, not an undefined value.