I am adding a canvas on top of a Haxe HTML5 Game. But once I do, the buttons in the Haxe game no longer register the click events. Does anyone know in the Haxe/openFL compiled code where the click events are being handled?
My best guess is that they are looking at the top most canvas, which is now mine and therefore not seeing the hits.
Found this code where the mouse events were being added to the canvas:
while(_g2 < mouseEvents.length) {
var type2 = mouseEvents[_g2];
element1.addEventListener(type2,$bind(this,this.element_onMouse), true);
Where element1 = the canvas.
I can't seem to send $(canvas).click() events to that canvas. Anyone have further suggestions?
My conclusion is, I was using JQuery to send calls to event listeners that were added through plain JavaScript.
document.getElemntById("canvas").addEventListener("mousedown", func...);
Apparently the JQuery calls can not call non JQuery events.
$(canvas).mousedown(); // does not work
document.getElemntById("canvas").dispatchEvent(event) r
and sending MouseEvents to the Haxe canvas worked fine.