I am new in symfony and github.
Question: When I delete a job having id 15, it display this error message. "Object cron_jobs does not exist (15)". Bellow is my code.
$this->forward404Unless($cron_jobs = CronJobsPeer::retrieveByPk($request->getParameter('id')), sprintf('Object cron_jobs does not exist (%s).', $request->getParameter('id')));
If the cron_jobs object with the id 15 doesn't exist, forward404Unless() should forward the user (you) to a 404 page, which is exactly what the forward404Unless() method does.
If $message from forward404Unless ($condition, $message = null) is not null, you can use it on the 404 page to display what the problem is.
Maybe you have deleted the cron_jobs object with the id 15 twice and thats why you get the 404 page shown.
If you really use version 1.2.12 you should upgrade as soon as possible because this version of symfony is not maintained anymore.