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Accepting multiple arguments in a Handlebars helper

I've checked across message boards but have not found an answer to this.

My goal is to create a handlebars helper that will check if all arguments passed are true, and if so, display the content.

For example:

{{#ifAll data.something data.somethingElse data.oneMore}}
   Show me if all of these arguments exist!

This is my best stab - but is it dangerous that I'm assuming the last property will be the options property? Is there a better way to do this?

Handlebars.registerHelper "ifAll", ->
    options = arguments[arguments.length - 1]
    for arg, i in arguments when i isnt arguments.length - 1
        return options.inverse @ if !arg
    options.fn @


  • AFAIK options will always be the last argument. Helpers aren't exactly documented or specified that well but I think it is pretty safe to assume that the last argument is always going to be options.

    That said, you can do this a little cleaner in CoffeeScript using a splat argument:

    Handlebars.registerHelper "ifAny", (conditions..., options)->
        for condition in conditions
            return options.inverse @ if !condition
        options.fn @

    or perhaps:

    Handlebars.registerHelper "ifAny", (conditions..., options)->
        for condition in conditions
            return options.inverse @ unless condition
        options.fn @

    or maybe even:

    Handlebars.registerHelper "ifAny", (conditions..., options)->
        return options.inverse @ for condition in conditions when !condition
        options.fn @

    Kamil Szot has pointed out that your helper name (ifAny) doesn't match the logic you're using. Your logic for ifAny really should be in a helper called ifAll and ifAny should be one of these:

    Handlebars.registerHelper 'ifAny', (conditions..., options)->
        for condition in conditions
            return options.fn @ if condition
        options.inverse @
    Handlebars.registerHelper 'ifAny', (conditions..., options)->
        return options.fn @ for condition in conditions when condition
        options.inverse @