I just want to ask how to print a variant() --> "tmpArray" to .csv? Because in the code that I have right now, it's only accessing the first value in the array. I want to access all the values in the array and print it in .csv file. Below is my code. Would appreciate any suggestions/help. Thanks.
For example I have 3 documents same value.
tmpArray3(0) = 2,999
tmpArray3(1) = 4,999
tmpArray4(0) = 1,000
tmpArray4(1) = 5,903
The one which is being printed for the 1st document is: 2,999 and 1,000. The one which is being printed for the 2nd document is: 2,999 and 1,000. The one which is being printed for the 3rd document is: 2,999 and 1,000.
It's not proceeding to the second value in the variant array.
Do While doccount1 < 11 AND Not v2entry Is Nothing
ReDim Preserve tmpArray3(tmpcount3)
ReDim Preserve tmpArray4(tmpcount4)
tmpArray3(tmpcount3) = v2entry.ColumnValues(3)
tmpArray4(tmpcount4) = v2entry.ColumnValues(4)
doccount1 = doccount1 + 1
tmpcount3=tmpcount3 + 1
tmpcount4=tmpcount4 + 1
Print #datafileNum%,(tmpArray3(0) & ";" & tmpArray4(0))
Set v2entry = vc.GetNextEntry(v2entry)
Close datafileNum%
Exit Sub
One issue is that in your Print statement you are accessing the first index (i.e. index 0) of the array for tmpArray3 and tmpArray4. You need to put a variable in there instead.
For example:
Do While doccount1 < 11 AND Not v2entry Is Nothing
ReDim Preserve tmpArray3(tmpcount3)
ReDim Preserve tmpArray4(tmpcount4)
tmpArray3(tmpcount3) = v2entry.ColumnValues(3)
tmpArray4(tmpcount4) = v2entry.ColumnValues(4)
doccount1 = doccount1 + 1
Print #datafileNum%,(tmpArray3(tmpcount3) & ";" & tmpArray4(tmpcount4))
Set v2entry = vc.GetNextEntry(v2entry)
tmpcount3=tmpcount3 + 1
tmpcount4=tmpcount4 + 1
Close datafileNum%
Exit Sub
However, you are also always retreiving index 3 and 4 from the v2entry.ColumnValues(). I assume you want to replace the 3 and 4 with a variable as well