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PHP fsockopen 400 Bad Request

I have this strange problem that I'm receiving 400 Bad request as a response and I have absolutely no idea what's wrong with the header. Here's my code:


$sock = fsockopen('IP ADDRESS', 80, $errno, $errstr);

$header = array(
    'GET / HTTP/1.1',
    'User-agent: My Useragent',
    'Connection: Close'

fputs($sock, join('\r\n', $header));

    echo fgets($sock, 128);



Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?


EDIT: Thanks to MrCode this problem was solved. Issue was here:

fputs($sock, join('\r\n', $header));

I had to change it to:

fputs($sock, join("\r\n", $header)."\r\n\r\n");

Notice double quotes and "\r\n\r\n"

Thanks again to MrCode


  • You're missing \r\n\r\n which is required after the final header. Currently you have nothing after the final header.

    Append it to the join result:

    fputs($sock, join("\r\n", $header) . "\r\n\r\n");

    Also, you need to use double quotes around the \r\n because using single quotes causes PHP to take it literally and not as a new line.