I would like to to convert output from the getSymbols
in quantmod
package to a data frame. Presently I achieve that with the following code.
Data <- new.env()
getSymbols(Symbols = "EUR/USD", src = "oanda", from = "2005-01-01",
to = "2006-01-01", env = Data)
test <- as.data.frame(Data$EURUSD)
Ideally, I would like to shorten this code to something on the lines:
test <- as.data.frame(getSymbols(Symbols = "EUR/USD",
src = "oanda", from = "2005-01-01", to = "2006-01-01"))
But this doesn't work as it should:
> head(test)
getSymbols(Symbols = "EUR/USD", src = "oanda", from = "2005-01-01", to = "2006-01-01")
Ideally, I would like to avoid referring to the pair EUR/USD
when working with the data as in future I will be working to make this component dynamic so having to type test <- as.data.frame(Data$EURUSD)
spoils the fun. My ideal code, would work like that:
test <- as.data.frame(getSymbols(Symbols = *user input*,
src = "oanda", from = "2005-01-01", to = "2006-01-01"))
At the moment I'm not necessairly interested in the user input but in coercing quantmod
output to data frame without the need to call the quantmod
object name.
You can try something like this:
test<-as.data.frame(getSymbols(Symbols = userInput,
src = "oanda", from = "2005-01-01",to = "2006-01-01", env = NULL))
Setting the env
results in no creating the data in the environment and returning it.